New Cylinder Pack Components Are Now Used on Certain 3508B and 3512B Standard Stroke Machine Engines {1239} New Cylinder Pack Components Are Now Used on Certain 3508B and 3512B Standard Stroke Machine Engines {1239} Caterpillar

New Cylinder Pack Components Are Now Used on Certain 3508B and 3512B Standard Stroke Machine Engines {1239}
New Cylinder Pack Components Are Now Used on Certain 3508B and 3512B Standard Stroke Machine Engines {1239} [M0106311]
5130B (S/N: 4CS1-218)
Off-Highway Truck/Tractor
777D (S/N: AGC1-2547; 3PR1-1126; 2YW1-105; AGY1-80)
785C (S/N: 1HW1-134; APX1-2404)
Track-Type Tractor
D11R (S/N: AAF1-290; 8ZR1-471; 9TR1-473; 9XR1-189; 7PZ1-5050)
Wheel Loader
992G (S/N: 7HR1-387; AZX1-839; ADZ1-623)

Description Of Change: The new cylinder pack components improve engine reliability and durability. The new cylinder liner has an anti-polishing sleeve and upper liner seal with improved thermal properties. The piston has a rectangular steel compression ring and rectangular steel intermediate ring.

Adaptable To:

------ WARNING! ------

Do not operate or work on this product unless you have read and understood the instruction and warnings in the relevant Operation and Maintenance Manuals and relevant service literature. Failure to follow the instructions or heed the warnings could result in injury or death. Proper care is your responsibility.

The following changes are adaptable to the products within the listed serial numbers, and are effective with all products after the listed serial numbers.

These changes are effective with the following engine serial numbers:

  • 2GR08292-UP

  • 8BR03231-UP

Note: These changes apply only to the machine serial numbers listed above if a 3508B or 3512B standard stroke engine is installed. These changes do not apply to machines with High Displacement (HD) engines .or other 3500 series engines.

The new cylinder pack components are direct replacements for the previous cylinder packs components. If replacement of the previous cylinder packs occurs, the replacement with the new cylinder packs must be done for every cylinder in the engine. The new cylinder packs are not compatible to be run with the previous cylinder packs in the same engine.

Table 1 contains the new and previous part numbers for the cylinder packs.

Table 1
New Part Number  Part Name  Previous Part Number  Qty 
20R-6618  Cylinder Pack As  10R-4343 
448-3651  Piston Ring (Intermediate)  144-5695 
454-9920  Cylinder Liner  211-7826 
481-5615  Piston  299-5204 
488-9888  Piston Ring (Top)  509-6461 
516-0827  Liner Seal  352-6061 
516-1856  Sleeve  N/A 
Table 2 contains the part numbers for the other cylinder pack components that have not been replaced with a new part number.

Table 2
Part Number  Part Name  Qty 
223-6361  Piston Ring (OIL CONTROL) 
263-8955  Piston Pin 
253-1238  Pin Retainer 
193-3282  Retainer As (PISTON COOLING JET) 
204-5447  Piston Cooling Jet As 
144-0725  Connecting Rod 

Illustration 1g06330714
(1) New piston ring groove
(2) Previous piston ring groove

Illustration 2g06023610
(1) Anti-Polishing Sleeve

Note: Anti-polishing sleeve (1) must be installed before installation of the cylinder head or related components.

The new 485-8003 Tool As will work with cuff and non-cuffed cylinder liners. The tool is designed to seat inside the cuff counterbore, eliminating the need for use of the 471-6593 Tool As.

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